Refugee Visa / Asylum

Secure asylum for refugees. We provide service in a fast and efficient professional manner.


Immigration Consultation

We provide consultation services for individuals and families seeking to immigrate to Israel, including assistance with visa applications, document preparation, and legal representation.


Citizenship Application

We assists individuals who are eligible for Israeli citizenship in navigating the citizenship application process, including preparing the necessary documents and representing clients in citizenship interviews.


Legal Representation

We provide legal representation services to clients in a wide range of immigration cases, including appeals, hearings, and court proceedings. Our team has extensive experience in immigration law and is dedicated to achieving the best possible outcomes for our clients.


Legal document preparation and counseling

We can assist you in preparing legal documents such as affidavits, wills, and rental agreements. We will ensure that your legal documents are accurate, comprehensive, and legally binding.


Relationship Visa

Our office is here to provide you with comprehensive guidance and support at every step. From gathering the required documentation to preparing a strong application, we will ensure that your case is presented in the best possible light.


Humanitarian Visa

Our priority is to support you in your journey to safety and to help you secure the humanitarian visa that you urgently need.



Empowering Caregivers - Our dedicated services are tailored to caregivers, offering expert guidance in navigating the legal pathways for work visas, B1 and help with the employer. We understand the unique challenges you face and are here to provide comprehensive support every step of the way.